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Project Self Sufficiency Program
Project Self Sufficiency Program
The Project Self Sufficiency Program provides affordable rental housing and support services for low income and homeless families with two or more children.
WHPDC owns 27 affordable houses in Wyandanch, New York. When a family enters this program, they are placed in one of the single family homes. Along with the house, WHPDC provides intensive case management services. The goal of the Project Self Sufficiency Program is to help low income and homeless families develop the life-long skills they will need in order to obtain education and secure employment to provide them with the income they need for financial security.
The major activities of the program consist of the original intake assessment and the individualized weekly case management plan that each family receives upon being accepted into the program.
- Intake- Potential candidates are required to complete an intake and assessment in order to determine eligibility for the Project Self Sufficiency Program. During the intake a series of questions are asked pertaining to their current living situation, their finances, and their education. Once the intake is completed, families are selected for further assessment in the form of face to face interviews to gain more detailed knowledge about the program and the requirements/expectations of individuals accepted into the program. The assessment period typically consists of a minimum of four interviews before a family is accepted into the program.
- Case Management- Once a family is accepted into the program; they are placed into one of WHPDC’s single family homes and receive ongoing case management and financial education. The case managers visit each client for one hour every week. During these visits the case managers are providing counseling and training so that the individuals in the program are able to become economically self-sufficient by adopting positive financial behavioral changes and accumulating the income necessary to pay for their families’ needs, reduce their debts, and increase their savings for future financial growth.